Wednesday, January 29, 2014


My name is Katt, and this is my blog. Welcome. For the next couple of weeks, I'll be posting on this site, uploading something I like to call an optimism blog. (They exist now okay?) Hopefully, if you are struggling with something or need a laugh for the day, you'll be able to turn to my blog and seek the medicine your looking for to cure your mind or soul. Without further ado, welcome! 




  1. Good luck on your history final!!! Anyways, I can't wait for your first official post that's coming out tomorrow.

  2. I'm excited to read your advice! Hopefully I will be able to turn to your blog to cheer me up when I need a laugh. Good luck on your history test tomorrow!

  3. I like the idea of you making an optimism blog!

  4. Hi I was wondering...this is an optimism blog right? So can you tell me how to stay positive when you feel extremely lonely and left out of things? like sorta an advice/optimism post. Thanks!
