Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You Decide

I'm out of ideas. Fresh out. Its like suddenly, my brain has decided to shut down,  and it has nothing to do with the last 2 hours I've spend studying for a history final. Nothing at all....But back to me, and this mess I'm going to be calling my blog for the next few weeks.  Apparently everyone's supposed to have a topic for their blog- something that represents them and their interests.  If you know anything about me, you know i don't stay focused on things long enough to become interested in them, so my    
topic is life.  I know, I know, life is...well, it's everyone's topic. But my blog is about dealing with life, and the curveballs it'll throw you. But I'm not your stereotypical optimist; I'm not here to quote tumblr and post motivational pictures and say things like "everything happens for a reason" or "stars can't shine without darkness".  No. I'm here to tell you to put your big girl panties on and get over it, because it happens to everyone, whatever your "it" may be.  I'm a firm believer in individuality, and in people deciding the ends to their own stories.  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Toss them over your shoulder and move on. (Or make lemonade for all I care-it's your life not mine.) 

There's only so much I can write about, after all I have only 14 years of experience on this planet, and I'm still figuring it out for myself.  Just, keep that in mind.   

The bed is practically calling my name, so I'm going to end this post here. The first OFFICIAL (yay!) post will be coming out tomorrow. Until then, stay warm and happy. :) 




  1. Hi Katt. I am looking forward to hearing about your .........................................interesting life. My favorite part of this post is when you mentioned to put your big girl panties on. I have never heard that before and I think it is original.

  2. Hello there Katt. Good luck with your history final, for one! Also your blog isn't a mess. It deals with happy thoughts and and how to move on rather than dwell on it. And the break from being all mainstream was a great idea too. How creative.

  3. Based on my understanding, you are going to tell girl advice to your audience (including for boys). This is new... I can't wait to see what you post on your blog. Oh, and have fun with your history finally.

  4. I like the idea of juggling lemons. Personally, I find it much more entertaining than making lemonade.

  5. Wow. I cannot believe that you wrote all of this at 11:45. That's Really impressive. I think it's cool that you took a new approach an old saying. I'm glad you're not a crazy optimist, though.
