Thursday, February 13, 2014

10 ways to find peace

Hello. These last few days I've been feeling pretty stressed, with fencing and homework, ect.  I've tried to calm down and relax, but I don't have any time to take a pamper day, or even just relax for a few hours. It's sparked the idea for the post: 

10 Ways to Relax (and stay on schedule) 
In no particular order 

1. Read a book. There's plenty out there, and they provide a great escape from your every-day. You can lose yourself in the plot, setting, and characters of another time, another place. It's an way to forget your stress and relax-not for too long tho, remember you have a schedule to follow! 

2. Listen to music.  As cliche as it sounds, listening to music is another great way to escape your stressed-out life. Focus on the artists words and melody of the song, close your eyes, and just breathe for a few minutes. When you've calmed down enough to function, take the earbuds out and get back on schedule. 

3. Watch Netflix. Or Tv, either are good distractions. But just one episode-or two-or three-(don't deny it this happens to you). Remember, this is only a temporary distraction. If your on a schedule, you need to make sure you only watch one episode, or spend one hour in front of your TV.  If your just relaxing, grab a snack and settle in for a Netflix premiere. They're the best. 

4. Take a bath. I have to say, I'm not very fond of these; after all your sitting in your own wet dirt. But some people enjoy them, and if you do, by all means take one. They're short and they help you to calm down. If you have some bath bombs, by all means thrown one in there. Not only will it help you further relax, but you'll be able to smell the delicious scent it gives off as it dissolves in your water. ;) 

5. Light some scented candles. This isn't so much a distraction from your work, but it certainly is an effective way to calm down or relax. Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle have some great  spring scents; my personal favorites right now are Caribbean Escape and Raspberry Peach Macaroon.  Light a few candles of your choice, sit down with your favorite books, and find your peace. 

6. Friends. Friends are a great way to distract yourself from your stress. They can sympathize with you, as more often than not they've been through a similar situation. Text them, call them, go catch a movie with them; I've found the more your around your friends, the happier and more relaxed of a person you become. 

7. Exercise. Not just yoga, but doing any exercise at all is proven distraction method. For me, I go fencing.  For most people, they hit the gym and spend and hour / hour and a half working out. Either way, exercise is efficient, and definitely distracting. Plus, while you work out, you can listen to your music and get double the calm. (unless you listen to heavy metal music or something...then your on your own). 

8. Go on a walk. Take your dog. Take your cat. Take your hamster. (yes, I once met somebody who walked his hamster.) Go by yourself if you want, and just reflect on what's happening. Identify why your stressed, and then take a moment to calm yourself down. Spend an hour or so away from your home before returning, and tackling the big project, or addressing what's on your mind. 

9. Baking. This is my personal favorite, as I love seeing the fruit of my labor. Plus, now you have delicious food to eat. Who would turn that down? Baking is also a great way to forget about your stress and focus on the project in front of you. Baking requires a lot of focus and preparation, so you'll stay distracted until the end of your project. 

10. Take a hot shower. People give this advice all the time-but they only keep saying it because it's true. When I take my showers, I'll spend the last 5 minutes just thinking under the hot water. Showers are amazing distraction, and (most of the time) quick so you can stay on schedule. 




  1. I think this is my favorite post from your blog! I love all the tips that you gave - they're all really good. Oh, and the Netflix thing is totally true...

  2. This post is super helpful and I agree with you on a lot of the "ways to relax"! These are definitely nice for a relaxation and do-nothing day. Hopefully you won't feel stressed during this four-day weekend!
