Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lemonade and Waffles

Yes, you read the title right, my second post is in fact a food post. 

First, can we just talk about this for a minute?  Hubert's lemonade. This bottle has been my recent obsession, with its bright colors and vintage-y feel. Not only does it look amazing, but the taste is just fabulous. Yes, things can taste fabulous. Its so sweet and  refreshing; the perfect hot-summer-day
lemonade in perfect packaging.  Not only do they have delicious lemonade, but half and half and diet lemonade. Don't get me wrong, it'll never be Arizona. But it certainly comes close, at least i
n terms of packaging. And taste. And packing. Can you tell I'm obsessed? (I may or may not currently be on a sugar high from recently drinking 3 Hubert's)  Of the few flavors I've tried, my current favorite is their raspberry half-and-half, tangy and not too sweet.  
How cute is this? 

Not only was the front of the bottle amazing, but the back definitely goes with the theme of the blog. They start their label with: When life
gives you lemons, get a big truck. I love the fact they wrote something totally unconventional and printed it for everyone to say, rather than going with the conventional "make lemonade", especially since it  would've made sense to print that too.  I'm just in love with the drink, the taste, the packaging....I'm obsessed. 

Recently, I've had a small obsession with waffles also, mainly the ones that I make because I can be proud of them. I mean seriously, tell me that if you saw them in a restaurant, you wouldn't pay for them. I was pretty proud. And the taste-I'll try not to obsess too much. It was great. Although I was a little disappointed-they seemed to be lacking in sugar, or maybe its me and my serious obsession with sugar. Probably the latter. Anyways I was pretty proud of my creation.  Let me know in the comments about any of  your recent food obsessions (not the weird ones-I know there are some.) 




  1. Wow you must really like this lemonade. I didn't know someone could write that much about a beverage. You could a food critic or something. Since you are so proud of these waffles, I really want to try them now! I read the title, and my first thought was YUM. :)

  2. I love Hubert's lemonade- the packaging is adorable and they do taste fabulous ;) I feel more inclined to eat foods that I make myself too... maybe because no one else will eat it if I don't. I had a friend today who made her own taco and was extremely proud and enthusiastic in eating it- showing that pride does come with making your own food! My current food obsession is a condensed milk & peanut butter sandwich. :)

  3. I liked the combination of the two types of foods. Unrelated, but still relate-able. Your writing style is fun and enthusiastic. Try to be less apologetic and more confident. I really enjoy your topics, and I am looking forward to reading future posts.
