Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Happiest Time of the Year

This time of year tends to bring a lot of stress-and as I mentioned in my last post I have a few ways of coping with the stress. But what about the big picture, the things that people can really look forward to? For me, that time is summer. No, its not my favorite month. But the hot weather, mixed with the travel, mixed with the lack of homework make it the time of year I look forwards to the most. Allow me to explain a few of my summer adventures: 
Me at Park Guell-excuse my photography skills 

Sacramento State Adventure Camp: A week-long camp that I took in July, exploring Sacramento and having so much fun. Activities included:  Cliff-jumping (the cliff wasn't dangerously high), kayaking for 3 miles, riding the ra
pids with nothing but a life jacket and bathing suit, sailing, rowing, a sleepover, and my personal favorite, white water rafting. Or more specifically, getting stuck white water rafting and repeatedly being sprayed in the face with, well, white water. If that doesn't sound great, then I guess your just not very adventurous. 

Spain:  Over the summer, my family embarked on a month-long trip across the world. While we only visited 2 locations, the trip was amazing and taught me a lot about different cultures and customs. We first visited Madrid for 3 days, and them moved on to Barcelona for a week. Highlights of the trip included: visitng the world-renowned Prado museum, eating lots and lots of tapas, admiring the Sagrada Familia, visiting Park Guell, and finally the chocolate museum, among other things. It was quite the adventure. 
Kaylee and me in, you guessed it, Africa 

Africa:  I also was given the unique experience to visit Ghana in Africa over the summer. I volunteered to do a 10-day service mission, during which I taught in schools of 10 days. The trip was quite the adventure, and I made friends from both American and Africa that I will remember forever.  Highlights of the trip included: Meeting my favorite Ghanaian, Gifty, experiencing cultural food and dances, repeating my name about 10 thousand  times a day, enjoying being a teacher, "naps", taking a bazillion pictures, bonfires, and of course, trivia night. 

All in all, my summer was pretty amazing. And while I won't always be able to replicate visiting Africa or cliff-jumping, there's always something to look forward to. 



10 ways to find peace

Hello. These last few days I've been feeling pretty stressed, with fencing and homework, ect.  I've tried to calm down and relax, but I don't have any time to take a pamper day, or even just relax for a few hours. It's sparked the idea for the post: 

10 Ways to Relax (and stay on schedule) 
In no particular order 

1. Read a book. There's plenty out there, and they provide a great escape from your every-day. You can lose yourself in the plot, setting, and characters of another time, another place. It's an way to forget your stress and relax-not for too long tho, remember you have a schedule to follow! 

2. Listen to music.  As cliche as it sounds, listening to music is another great way to escape your stressed-out life. Focus on the artists words and melody of the song, close your eyes, and just breathe for a few minutes. When you've calmed down enough to function, take the earbuds out and get back on schedule. 

3. Watch Netflix. Or Tv, either are good distractions. But just one episode-or two-or three-(don't deny it this happens to you). Remember, this is only a temporary distraction. If your on a schedule, you need to make sure you only watch one episode, or spend one hour in front of your TV.  If your just relaxing, grab a snack and settle in for a Netflix premiere. They're the best. 

4. Take a bath. I have to say, I'm not very fond of these; after all your sitting in your own wet dirt. But some people enjoy them, and if you do, by all means take one. They're short and they help you to calm down. If you have some bath bombs, by all means thrown one in there. Not only will it help you further relax, but you'll be able to smell the delicious scent it gives off as it dissolves in your water. ;) 

5. Light some scented candles. This isn't so much a distraction from your work, but it certainly is an effective way to calm down or relax. Bath and Body Works and Yankee Candle have some great  spring scents; my personal favorites right now are Caribbean Escape and Raspberry Peach Macaroon.  Light a few candles of your choice, sit down with your favorite books, and find your peace. 

6. Friends. Friends are a great way to distract yourself from your stress. They can sympathize with you, as more often than not they've been through a similar situation. Text them, call them, go catch a movie with them; I've found the more your around your friends, the happier and more relaxed of a person you become. 

7. Exercise. Not just yoga, but doing any exercise at all is proven distraction method. For me, I go fencing.  For most people, they hit the gym and spend and hour / hour and a half working out. Either way, exercise is efficient, and definitely distracting. Plus, while you work out, you can listen to your music and get double the calm. (unless you listen to heavy metal music or something...then your on your own). 

8. Go on a walk. Take your dog. Take your cat. Take your hamster. (yes, I once met somebody who walked his hamster.) Go by yourself if you want, and just reflect on what's happening. Identify why your stressed, and then take a moment to calm yourself down. Spend an hour or so away from your home before returning, and tackling the big project, or addressing what's on your mind. 

9. Baking. This is my personal favorite, as I love seeing the fruit of my labor. Plus, now you have delicious food to eat. Who would turn that down? Baking is also a great way to forget about your stress and focus on the project in front of you. Baking requires a lot of focus and preparation, so you'll stay distracted until the end of your project. 

10. Take a hot shower. People give this advice all the time-but they only keep saying it because it's true. When I take my showers, I'll spend the last 5 minutes just thinking under the hot water. Showers are amazing distraction, and (most of the time) quick so you can stay on schedule. 



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lemonade and Waffles

Yes, you read the title right, my second post is in fact a food post. 

First, can we just talk about this for a minute?  Hubert's lemonade. This bottle has been my recent obsession, with its bright colors and vintage-y feel. Not only does it look amazing, but the taste is just fabulous. Yes, things can taste fabulous. Its so sweet and  refreshing; the perfect hot-summer-day
lemonade in perfect packaging.  Not only do they have delicious lemonade, but half and half and diet lemonade. Don't get me wrong, it'll never be Arizona. But it certainly comes close, at least i
n terms of packaging. And taste. And packing. Can you tell I'm obsessed? (I may or may not currently be on a sugar high from recently drinking 3 Hubert's)  Of the few flavors I've tried, my current favorite is their raspberry half-and-half, tangy and not too sweet.  
How cute is this? 

Not only was the front of the bottle amazing, but the back definitely goes with the theme of the blog. They start their label with: When life
gives you lemons, get a big truck. I love the fact they wrote something totally unconventional and printed it for everyone to say, rather than going with the conventional "make lemonade", especially since it  would've made sense to print that too.  I'm just in love with the drink, the taste, the packaging....I'm obsessed. 

Recently, I've had a small obsession with waffles also, mainly the ones that I make because I can be proud of them. I mean seriously, tell me that if you saw them in a restaurant, you wouldn't pay for them. I was pretty proud. And the taste-I'll try not to obsess too much. It was great. Although I was a little disappointed-they seemed to be lacking in sugar, or maybe its me and my serious obsession with sugar. Probably the latter. Anyways I was pretty proud of my creation.  Let me know in the comments about any of  your recent food obsessions (not the weird ones-I know there are some.) 



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You Decide

I'm out of ideas. Fresh out. Its like suddenly, my brain has decided to shut down,  and it has nothing to do with the last 2 hours I've spend studying for a history final. Nothing at all....But back to me, and this mess I'm going to be calling my blog for the next few weeks.  Apparently everyone's supposed to have a topic for their blog- something that represents them and their interests.  If you know anything about me, you know i don't stay focused on things long enough to become interested in them, so my    
topic is life.  I know, I know, life is...well, it's everyone's topic. But my blog is about dealing with life, and the curveballs it'll throw you. But I'm not your stereotypical optimist; I'm not here to quote tumblr and post motivational pictures and say things like "everything happens for a reason" or "stars can't shine without darkness".  No. I'm here to tell you to put your big girl panties on and get over it, because it happens to everyone, whatever your "it" may be.  I'm a firm believer in individuality, and in people deciding the ends to their own stories.  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Toss them over your shoulder and move on. (Or make lemonade for all I care-it's your life not mine.) 

There's only so much I can write about, after all I have only 14 years of experience on this planet, and I'm still figuring it out for myself.  Just, keep that in mind.   

The bed is practically calling my name, so I'm going to end this post here. The first OFFICIAL (yay!) post will be coming out tomorrow. Until then, stay warm and happy. :) 




My name is Katt, and this is my blog. Welcome. For the next couple of weeks, I'll be posting on this site, uploading something I like to call an optimism blog. (They exist now okay?) Hopefully, if you are struggling with something or need a laugh for the day, you'll be able to turn to my blog and seek the medicine your looking for to cure your mind or soul. Without further ado, welcome! 

